Explore SolarUP!

Our Network Can Help You Bring Solar to Your Home. Here’s How:

Join a SOLAR UP “get together.”

It’s a time to share questions, answers, and options with your friends and neighbors.  

And it’s hosted by a homeowner like you who made the decision to go solar.

  • Your host will talk about deciding to go solar and finding a reliable solar installer
  • Your host’s installer will answer all your questions about solar on your home
  • The SOLAR UP coordinator will fill you in on SOLAR UP group buy discounts.


SOLAR UP events are…

  • Held Live and via Zoom
  • Last about an hour – 15 minutes of presentation and 45 minutes of Q and A
  • With folks attending from about 40 homes throughout West Michigan
  • Access to view a recorded event you attend.


After the SOLAR UP event, you may request a free solar evaluation for your home.  Typically,

  • 10 homeowners decide to take no further action at this time,
  • 10 homeowners get an evaluation and learn that solar will not work for them,
  • 10 homeowners get an evaluation and a free estimate but postpone decisions,
  • 10 homeowners act on their estimate, install solar, and benefit from the group-buy discount.